Amity is a speciality chemical manufacturer located in the United Kingdom and the USA with an excellent reputation for product innovation in the aerospace, healthcare, food, and industrial sectors.
In 2005, Amity moved into the healthcare sector by developing several patented technologies in the area of High-Level Disinfectants (HLD) for instruments, surfaces & the environment. These initial products led to the development of the healthcare range.
In 2017, Amity opened a dedicated Research and Development Centre & Equipment Manufacturing site that are tasked with the developing of new, improved products. This ensures that Amity are continually pushing the boundaries of chemistry within the disinfectant market and producing state of the art technologies to meet consumer demands.
Amity’s Healthcare range offers products for:
- Amity 3 Step Solution – for decontaminating all probes and ENT Scopes
- Whole Room Decontamination System – Airdecon 200 (HPV) & Airdecon UVc (UVC)
- Instrument (including flexible endoscopes) cleaning
- Instrument (including flexible endoscopes) High-Level Disinfection (HLD)
- Disinfectant Wipes
- Scope-Pro – Replaces manual decontamination of flexible endoscopes
- High Level and routine surface and environment disinfection/cleaning
- Air purification units – Airdecon Pure
- Lubricants for medical devices
- Hand sanitizers
- Automated and manual dosing systems
- Absorbents for body fluid spillages
Our history
Belimed AG, a subsidiary of Metall Zug AG, announces the acquisition of Amity International
Supplying healthcare products across 6 continents
Opened first equipment manufacturing site
First products developed for the healthcare market
Formed Amity International
Formation of the Amity Group
What our clients say
Environmental Policy
The Amity Group has a reputation for innovation and we are repeatedly called upon to work in partnership with customers to look for safer and better ways to enhance manufacturing processes and seek always to protect and conserve the environment.
The Amity Group assumes responsibility for the environment by minimising the harmful effects of the company’s operation and by ensuring appropriate management of generated waste. We observe the state of the environment and take immediate corrective action if required. We follow the principles of sustainable development.
For more information regarding our environmental policy, please email

Amity is certified to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 13485:2016.
Amity supplies Class IIb Medical Devices which have been conformity assessed to EU Medical Device Directives (CE 1639) and UK Medical Device Regulations (UKCA 0120).
Our Goals
- Reduce hospital-acquired infections
- Improve the quality of life for patients
- Produce state of the art medical equipment
- Maintain our excellent reputation in product quality
- Provide safer products for the environment and the user
- Give end users a wider choice
Get in Touch
Please contact one of our specialists for more information about our products.